BSDR Player

by Krasamo Inc.

Health & Fitness

9.99 usd

BSDR Player generates bilateral beeps for bilateral stimulation and EMDR.

BSDR Player (Bilateral Sounds Desensitization and Reprocessing) is an application that generates bilateral beeps. It is based on bilateral stimulation (a way of stimulating the brain one side at a time) and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). These techniques can produce a direct effect on the way the brain processes or re-processes past emotional experiences. You can use this application to aid in the treatment of traumas, process upsetting situations, disturbing thoughts, improve future performance, or simply feel better. Studies done with patients undergoing EMDR while in CAT scans have shown physiological changes in the brain that lead to adaptive changes in thinking and emotional self-regulation. "A study comparing the effectiveness of Prozac vs. EMDR showed that EMDR was more successful than Prozac in achieving substantial and sustained reductions in anxiety and depression." - The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, January 2007Added ability to play in the background while the device screen is locked.Added ability to mix BSDR Player audio with other apps audio.

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Works well. Simple, useful, largely user friendly, no trouble.

Kat Fern

Plays in both ears at the same time. Tried with multiple headphones.

Celena Grant

I'm glad it had a refund option because the beep was agitating to me. It didn't go low enough and was still too high even at it's lowest. Too bad their aren't options for the sound of the time being used.

Annie Fife

There seems to be nothing bilateral about it unless my understanding of it is wrong. With headphones in I expected to hear the tone only in the side that the light flashes on. I don't get anything from this app

Jim Pleace

Very handy app. As accredited EMDR consultant, this is the form of BLS I recommend to any (many) clients with whom I work online. It is also the EMDR app I recommend to my supervisees.

Mark Brayne

Great app. Will work when the phone is on screen saver unlike some other ember apps Recommend it without reservation

Tom Shanakian

Simple. Easy. Effective. I wonder if it is compatible with theratapper or other buzzers for tactile stimulation?

Matthew V Grom

Works perfect, simple and works..worth it.

Ben Davis

Which cannot be said for most Android applications...

Vladimir Stojakovic

Product has many features.

Steve Walls